This will be an ongoing note. I feel that I’m starting to get to the bottom of what mantras are and how they work across different occult and mystic systems on a deep level. This will help codify my findings and any experiments done with mantric work across religions.

Mantras and the Body

Mantra means ‘sacred utterance’ in Sanskrit, and its etymological roots can be found in the Indo-Europeon root meaning ‘to think’. It refers to qualities and states of mind or thoughts. Some people might also link it to the similar Sanskrit term manas-which means mind/spirit, and matih or thought.

This meaning is interesting since it subtly links the mind and utterance together. Since the mind-energy complex(called manas) is distributed and interpenetrated throughout the physical body, especially major nervous clusters(where the chakras just so happen to be) it shows how utterance (especially repeated utterance) can affect the nervous/chakra system and lodge or dislodge trauma and other sanskaric traces within the body.

Nervous System from Grey’s Anatomy(the textbook not the show)

Nervous System from Grey’s Anatomy(the textbook not the show)

6 Cakra system popularized by Shaivite Tantric Systems

6 Cakra system popularized by Shaivite Tantric Systems

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Each chakra vibrates at a certain frequency and can be altered by fixating and speaking on the cakras bija mantra or hijacking/overriding the original mantra within the chakra.

I have a hypothesis that this can be done through pushing a mantra spoken by the practitioner through the target’s central column and causing it to spin around it the chosen chakra, gradually infusing it with the mantras power and purpose.

The three cauldrons in particular are of great importance since they govern the mind(upper Dan Tien), heart-emotions(Middle Dan Tien) and power(LDT). This makes the Bijas RAM, YAM, and OM extremely important to master, though that would take a lifetime.

Furthermore, there’s the topic of marma points(meridian points) and how many mantras can affect each point for ill or gain. These points can be touched and the mantra ‘drilled’ inside the points to cause various affects. They, in turn correspond to certain organs that can be targeted by various mantras for different effects.

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